What Subscribers Say About COMPULIFE
Over the years, agents have commented on our COMPULIFE products and services. The following is what they are saying about us:
If you are an agent using Compulife, and have something you’d like to say, please send us a message.
Hi Bob,
As you know, I do all of my life insurance business online. And it’s a tough market online, there’s very few sources of decent leads. So when I heard that you had implemented a system on term4sale.ca that allowed consumers to click through and contact agents from your site (basically to turn themselves into leads) I immediately bought every listing I could. Having worked in the online life insurance marketplace for over 10 years, I knew that term4sale.ca brought in quality consumer traffic, and I knew that your new system on that site was going to convert that traffic into quality leads.
I didn’t have to wait long. Only three weeks after I got listed I sold my first case from these leads; $3650 in permanent insurance premium.
I’m looking forward to the next three weeks.
I’ve been a subscriber since the early 1990’s. The product has always been easy to use, and incredibly valuable in my practice. Ownership is responsive (yes, the owner actually picks up the phone when you call them), and they listen to all feedback. Much of my feedback has been the catalyst for improvements to the product over the past 30 years. What amazes me is that the product provides so much information for so little money, it’s hard to fathom any independent life insurance agent not having it. In the rare instances when I have found a discrepancy between Compulife software, and a particular Insurance company’s software, 90% of the time (and I know this is hard to believe), Compulife has been correct and the carrier’s OWN SOFTWARE was wrong about their own pricing. I am eternally grateful to Bob Barney and Compulife for making my life easy as I demonstrate to clients that I have access to pricing, features, and ratings information on hundreds of life insurance products so that I, and my agents, can make meaningful recommendations as to which represent the best values. Compulife makes it easy to look like a genius. If you’re equivocating, feel free to contact me and I can share my experience.
COMPULIFE is fast, easy to use and accurate! There is no other software that allows you to run life insurance quotes as quickly as COMPULIFE.
Hi Bob,
I just wanted to say thanks again for what you have created over at Term4Sale and with CompuLife! Not only are your rates always spot on and the most accurate in the industry, Term4Sale really allows consumers to be both educated and in control of the life insurance buying process. Much like yourself, there’s full transparency, and no funny business going on, which is why I will always recommend Term4Sale to consumers and your CompuLife software to industry professionals. It’s always refreshing to meet someone like yourself who clearly has principles and just doesn’t do what benefits his bottom line – Unfortunately, as you and I know, this is definitely not the norm in Financial Services Industry.
Lastly, as a CompuLife subscriber for many years, I have had great success with your Term4Sale zip code listings and will continue to be a happy customer for many years to come. I wish you the continued success that you deserve and I’m always excited to see the array of new features and constant improvements. Thank you for all that you do!
Thanks again for another great lead that resulted in a $1500 commission. The commissions from the leads that I get more than pay for the cost of your quote software. Your term comparison software is the best available and is super easy to use. Keep up the good work.