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Update News for March 2024

Here is a quick run-down on what you will find in this bulletin:

    • Electronic Funds Transfers Now Accepted

    • New GOWIN.EXE Released In Canada

    • Objective One: Keeping it Simple

    • David Rutstein – Back to His Old Tricks

    • You Can See Web Sites and Web Pages in History

    • The Latest Developments in the Rutstein Saga

    • Can You Help Me?

    • Getting Closer and Closer on CQS.EXE

    • Our Current Programming Plans for 2024

These topics will be dealt with in more detail throughout this bulletin.

Electronic Funds Transfers Now Accepted
Donna Jackson, our office manager in Canada, wants all our subscribers to know that EFT (Electronic Funds Transfers) are now an accepted method of payment for subscription services. If that is more convenient for you, you can reach out to Donna by calling her at (800) 567-8376 or you can email her at

New GOWIN.EXE Released In Canada
Additional bugs with the newest GOWIN.EXE turned up in Canada during February. As each of these bugs were reported, we made the necessary repairs and updated our Canadian subscribers through timely midmonth updates. Many thanks to those who found and reported the problems and thank you for your patience with this necessary process to get our new compiler working properly with our software source code.

Sometime in mid-March we will release the new GOWIN.EXE to our U.S. subscribers and we’ll see if anything further turns up from that release. We suspect there will be no issues.

NOTE: The GOWIN.EXE program file is the same for both countries. The difference between the countries is the database of companies and products and the settings that tell our software which country it is being used in.

Other differences include joint-life, critical illness and the French language (in quotes). In the U.S. we quote table ratings but not in Canada (yet).

NOTE: We could be quoting table ratings in Canada but so far no company and/or subscribers have provided us with the table rating calculations for Canadian products which would give us what we need to be able to quote those table ratings.

Objective One: Keeping it Simple
Compulife’s service is driven by customer demand. When we hear the same requests from multiple subscribers we look at the feasibility of making changes to the software to deal with those requests. Generally we are initially reluctant to add more to the program as we do not want to complicate what is already a very complex program/service. We have learned, after 40 years of doing this, of not looking for problems to fit solutions. Just because something can be done, does not mean that it should be done. There must be a VERY real reason to make a change or add a feature.

SIMPLICITY is VERY, VERY important and highly under rated. Think about it, you use Compulife to help you sell insurance. The average buyer of insurance does NOT know the difference between 10 and 20 year term or why 20 year term costs more money. That’s a problem our software addresses. Our program makes it easy to show those differences and make those differences much easier to understand. Pick 12 is the best way to show differences in cost over the years.

Having said that, you have a couple of different options to compare costs on a present value accumulated basis but most customer do NOT use those options. We think that’s generally smart, simply as it adds unnecessary complexity. On the other hand, in those “exception to the rule” situations where you are dealing with a more sophisticated buyer, those options are there and can help you to raise your game with that more sophisticated client who wants and needs more. This assumes that you and they understand the value of that more complex information. It’s also another reason we do not like things too complicated as it requires more support work to answer the obvious question, “how do I use this?.

David Rutstein – Back to His Old Tricks
David Rutstein is the key individual who we have been litigating against for most of the last decade (he had some partners in his NAAIP operation). The lawsuits began when we found him gaining unlawful access to our software and after he refused to cease and desist. Key parts of the story can be found at:

As background, at one time David owned the domain name He was proudly using it to declare to the world that he would be the next multi-millionaire entrepreneur. Then, in about 2012, David lost his licenses to sell insurance (he was licensed in about 40 U.S. states). He was being charged with fraud for selling health insurance policies for a company that was NOT a licensed life insurance company. It all came to a head when consumers had claims that were not being paid. In order to escape a fraud charge with the state of Florida, David signed an agreement that he would stay out of the insurance industry.

As David does, he violated that agreement and simply changed the name(s) he used to continue to do business in the insurance industry (at that time David Gordon was his name of choice). We complained to the state of Florida about the fact that he was in blatant violation of the agreement he signed with them, but it would be an understatement to say they didn’t and don’t care. The Florida Department of Insurance is only interested in going after those agents who they can easily collect fines from. If a perpetrator appears to be too slippery or is less accessible to pursue, they let it go (Rutstein operates from Jerusalem Israel). You can see where he is located at The state of Florida would dispute this allegation, but we have provided them with ample evidence that Rutstein was in violation of the agreement but they simply would not pursue it.

At the point the name “David Rutstein” became “persona non grata”, David let the domain name go. When I began to have my troubles with Rutstein, and needed to make the details public, I found the domain name was available and we purchased it.

You Can See Websites and Web Pages in History
There is a website that preserves copies of websites and web pages as they appeared in history. The website is called: Because we now own the domain name, the history of its use is available for all to see at Use this link to see the website over the years.

NOTE: You can elect to put a message on your web pages to tell to NOT record them on their site. All Compulife pages are recorded there because we run an honest and transparent business. Rutstein, when he learned we could access his old website pages for evidence, turned off the ability for to record and display his websites. He did that after I accumulated evidence against him from the archive records.

Some of the earliest home pages show an inactive website, but this one from July 18, 2007 will give you a sense of the kind of “con” that David likes to run.

The biographical information you see there is largely fiction with a few facts here and there to make it sound plausible.

The Latest Developments in the Rutstein Saga
All that is by way of background to say that David is back at it with a new venture that he has cooked up which you will see in one of his latest Youtube videos:

If you recognize the name “Steve Young” and wonder, “Isn’t there is a retired NFL quarterback named Steve Young?”, yes, that’s the same guy that Rutstein is now attacking. Rutstein is going after NFL hall of fame member Steve Young who played for the San Francisco 49ers.

Steve needs to know that he is in good company. At one point in the past David publicly accused former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres for the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin. For a while David was famous. I have a couple of recordings of Israeli radio shows he was featured on. In the early days of my pursuit of Rutstein we used those recordings as evidence that David Rutstein was David Gordon, during the period he adamantly denied being David Rutstein. The cover was completely blown by the time we got to the court trial. Anyway, when the Shimon Peres people accused David of being crazy for making the accusations about Rabin, David sued Peres for slander. Sound ridiculous? You can google it, I’m not kidding.

What is really amazing in this latest video is Rutstein’s opening line in the “video” where he says:

    • “Many of you know that I have become an expert on the calamities that are happening to America’s young adults newly entering the workforce getting scammed by these multi-level marketing insurance recruiting scammers.”

That’s pretty rich coming from a guy who is the very definition of a scammer.

You will notice that at no time and in no place in the video does David identify that he is David Rutstein. In fact he doesn’t use any name. However, is you look at the bottom of the video it shows a message:

So I visited the website and there is a big photo of “Gus Fox. The image of “Gus Fox” is NOT Gus Fox. You will see the same photo on this web page:

and this web page:

and this web page:

You may start thinking like I did, “That old Gus Fox, he sure gets around.” In reality Gus Fox is NOT a real person and that certainly is NOT a photo of someone named Gus Fox.

What gives this away as a variant of the old NAAIP website, apart from David promoting the website, is a popup that appears in the bottom left corner of the homepage of this new website. Here’s a snapshot of that:

That is VERY similar to the old pop-up that came up at website where David liked to brag about how many people had joined his operation. The domain name was first registered on October 28, 2023. If you google the site you will see virtually NO web presence of any kind, and yet the site claims to have 26,634 registered members. This is VINTAGE David Rutstein.

NOTE: You should see the array of different photos that David used for David Gordon over the years.

I am reasonably certain that this gusfox website is part of David’s new operation (his latest confidence scheme).

NOTE: His old website is no longer active – it has vanished.

I did some digging to see who was connected to Gus Fox and I turned up this website:

That looked pretty familiar to me – it was an old NAAIP agent website. I then used the email form on that site to contact Larry Carlin who is in fact a real person. I got this email in response:


More clues from that email. First, the Larry Carlin website is generating an email that comes from “Gus Fox” (at the top). Second, there is another website involved:

Darn little information about ANYTHING on that web page itself, so I did a google search of pages connected to that website and turned up this:

And there it is. That is exactly like the OLD NAAIP website and those are the web pages that agents set up on the old NAAIP site. It’s all been resurrected at:

Can You Help Me?
Have you gotten any emails from any of these operations? If you have, could you please forward them to me?

The Gus Fox website shows a phone number: 561-821-4525

I would call it but my name or company name will popup in caller ID. If the number goes to David Rutstein, and if he is the one who answers the phone, he will know who I am immediately.

I would really appreciate it if one or more of our subscribers could assist me in finding out if this is David or not. If you watched the earlier video you will know David’s distinctive voice. To me he sounds a little like Ray Romano. Anyway, if you could call the number above and ask to speak to “Gus”, can you tell me if that’s the voice of Rutstein that answers? Does he call himself Gus Fox? If not, and if it sounds like David, ask if he will give you his name. I would like to know what other aliases he’s using these days.

If any of you decide to sign up on the website, you will likely get a call or an email at some point. Can you please forward me any emails that you get? If you are able, and you are in a one party call state (for recording phone calls) could you record any phone calls you have with him?

Let me summarize, David owes Compulife a LOT of money as a result of our court judgment. He is doing everything he can to avoid paying the judgment. Having said that, no matter what new scam he is running, he’s in it for money. I want to know who he is affiliated with or associated with so that I can have my lawyer garnishee those U.S. sources of revenue to David. I would really appreciate your help.

NOTE: David needs U.S. sources of revenue because he has to be careful about generating income in Israel. The last I heard was that he was drawing disability income from the Israeli government. Notice how active and energetic he is for someone with a disability.

Getting Closer and Closer on CQS.EXE
Our programming focus continues on CQS.EXE and we are getting much closer to a release. We hope that will be in the next couple of months. Stay tuned for more information.

Our Current Programming Plans for 2024
The following is the current order for new work that we will be doing in 2024:

      • Introduction of New PC Version: CQS.EXE
      • Overhaul Of Current Product Data Files
    • Introduction of Compulife Mobile* Plus (with Pick 12)

Anyone with questions about any of these upcoming projects can call Bob Barney to discuss:

(888) 798-3488

Please don’t email me essay questions, just call. If I’m not in, email me your phone number, I’ll call you.

These planned objectives will easily consume our programming time during the balance of this year and throughout 2024. The good news is that once the product data files have been converted, and we have introduced the new CQS.EXE, and upgraded our internet engine to use the new data files, Compulife will be turning it’s full attention to our web based, Compulife Mobile software. The long term goal is to have a web based product that does everything our PC based software does.


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