Here is a quick run-down on what you will find in this bulletin: Upgrading Language…

Update News for November 2017
Here is a quick run-down on what you will find in this bulletin:
November 6, 2017, 12pm
Term4Sale Bumping Week Begins
You Snooze, You lose!
The Starting Time is 12pm EST
Do Some Preparation In Advance
You Have First Chance to ReBuy
One Other Way To Get More Local Postal Codes
The One For Three Guarantee
These topics will be dealt with in more detail throughout this bulletin.
Term4Sale Bumping Week Begins
UNLESS!!! You have a Standard License for Compulife ($300 per year).
If you do, PAY ATTENTION!!
Last year, for the first time, we let standard license subscribers (paying the higher fee of $299 per year) purchase an additional 3 local postal codes and for for ONLY $12 each! Paid postal codes listings are normally $15 per year. If you miss this opportunity to increase your number of local postal codes, YOU MISS THAT OPPORTUNITY.
By doubling from 3 to 6 local postal codes you will have 6 postal codes that you can use to BUMP people out of postal codes within 20 miles of you (in rural areas the circle can be bigger – call if that’s you).
Once again, the normal cost of a paid listing is $15 but you get the additional 3 local postal codes for only $12 each (payable as $1 per month for the balance of your current subscription). More important, they can be used to bump which you cannot do with paid postal code listings. $15 paid postal codes are sold on a first come, first serve basis and once you purchase and have a postal code, no one but a local agent, using their local postal code, could force you out. But that can only happen once a year. Once you purchase an additional postal code, it is yours for the calendar year.
The local postal codes are tied to your subscription, and renewals on those are charged at the same time as your subscription. Additional paid postal codes are sold on a calendar year basis.
Can a Personal Use subscriber UPGRADE to a Standard License and get the 3 additional local postal codes. YES YOU CAN. If you want to do that we look at how much time is left on your current subscription and charge you an upgrade fee of $12.50 per month for the balance of the subscription. $12.50 is the normal difference in annual price ($299 – $149) divided by 12. The three additional postal codes would be $3 per month on top of that.
There are other advantages to the standard license, call if you want to discuss it. You should do that BEFORE November 6th.
And if you are in an area where great postal codes are scarce, because the good ones are all full, the week of November 6th would be a great time to make a move and double up on local listings.
And yes, people are making sales from term4sale. You can read about that here:
IMPORTANT: Do not call or email with postal code change instructions before 12pm EST on November 6th. If you do your email will be ignored. If you call early you will be told to call later.
Because the phone lines will likely be busy that day, and a lot of the early part of that week, it is BEST to do your homework in advance and email your instructions for changes.
If you are switching postal codes for better postal codes we will need specific instructions. Tell us what postal code you are giving up and which postal code you want in its place. If you don’t know what postal codes you have, email and ask for a list of those postal codes ASAP.
If you are a Standard License subscriber, wanting 3 additional local postal codes, say so and let us know which postal codes you want. Use the same instructions as above.
Do not put your credit card information in any emails that you send us. If you are buying additional local postal codes, or re-buying a previous local listing that you gave up, we will call you to get your credit card (once things cool down; make sure your phone number is in your email). You will need to pay by credit card when we call you, but your request does not need a payment to be locked in. Once again, first come first served.
When your FREE period on that postal code ends, you will have first right to renew it as a paid listing. Before that, you will be able to use it as a local postal code to bump. The time to use the bump will still be the first Monday in November.
IMPORTANT: You have until November 6th to make referrals, earn your additional FREE local postal code, and use it to bump on:
In addition to email contacts, your name and phone number are displayed in the listings. If a consumer calls you directly, and we KNOW some do, then we have no record of those contacts and that is icing on your cake. For the guarantee this does not factor in, simply as we have no way to monitor such activity.
Here’s how the guarantee works:
If you get to the end of December, and you did not have have at least one email for every 3 postal codes you have, we will reduce the cost for you to renew those postal codes for 2018.
EXAMPLE: You have 14 postal codes, three local and 11 that you purchased. For 14 postal codes we expect: 14/3 = 5 contacts (4.67 rounded up). Let’s assume that you had only 3 email contacts (note: we do not count duplicate or BOGUS contacts) On November 15th, we would have invoiced you $165 (11 X $15) for 2017 renewal. However, you really only got the activity we would have expected for 9 total postal codes, which would have been 3 local postal codes, and 6 additionally purchased postal codes. Therefore, we will credit your invoice DOWN to $90 (6 X $15) and give you the same 14 postal codes for 2017. In other words, you will have 5 of those 11 paid postal codes for free.
If you did better than 1 for 3 (many have) then you owe us money. NO, we’re just kidding. This is a minimum guarantee.
IMPORTANT: There are NO REFUNDS, simply a reduced renewal cost for the SAME postal codes for the following year. You can add postal codes, and pay for those, but if you substitute any of those postal codes then the price of renewal for those will still be $15 for the year.
This guarantee is designed to act as a way to retroactively balance out the cost of postal codes listings that are NOT as attractive or not producing.