Here is a quick run-down on what you will find in this bulletin: Upgrading Language…

Update News for October 2023
Here is a quick run-down on what you will find in this bulletin:
Term4Sale BUMP WEEK – November 6, 2023
$12 Postal Codes – LOCAL or BONUS
Postal Code Listing – No Brainer IF…
New Local Postal Code Rules
Additional Postal Code Price Increase
You Need To Switch NOW!
NOTHING Happens Until YOU Take Action
The Postal Code Warranty
Our Current Programming Plans for 2023
These topics will be dealt with in more detail throughout this bulletin.
Bumping is a once a year opportunity for one week, during the week following the first Monday in November. As noted in the title, this year BUMP WEEK starts Monday, November 6, 2023 at 12 noon EST, and lasts until Friday, November 10th, at 5pm EST. This year everyone who has had their previous maximum of local postal codes can now add at least one more BUT you have to ask for it.
NOTE: Standard license subscribers, typically agencies, can purchase twice the number of discounted postal codes (8 instead of 4). If you are a personal user and want to be able to buy more local postal codes you can upgrade your license from personal use to standard license and that gets you more $12 (discounted) postal codes.
You can’t bump with a BONUS postal code, but you can protect that postal code a little better than if you are buying that as a PAID (additional) postal code ($18 per year). PAID postal codes are sold on a calendar year basis. LOCAL and BONUS postal codes are sold as part of your subscription and the anniversary of the purchase is the same as your subscription. You can also get the multi-year 10 or 20 percent discounts on those postal codes if you pay your subscription and those listing for 2 or 3 years.
If another subscriber comes to a postal code with 3 people already listed in it, and they are within 30 kilometers of that postal code, they can use a LOCAL postal code to bump that subscriber out if that person’s listing is a PAID (additional) postal code. The new BONUS postal code protects you better than if you have a PAID postal code. A BONUS postal code is better protected.
EXAMPLE: Let’s say a subscriber wants to use a LOCAL postal code to bump into a postal code and we check our list and find the postal code is full with 3 listing. If it’s not full, no bumping is necessary. In this case we assume it is full with 3 listing and one of those listings is already a LOCAL postal code, the other two are not. Now assume one of the other two is BONUS and the other is PAID (additional). Then it is the PAID postal code listing that will be replaced with the new LOCAL subscriber’s listing. PAID postal codes get bumped before BONUS. Therefore, if you have $12 (discounted) postal codes to spare, you should use them as BONUS for postal codes you are not LOCAL, but currently have as PAID – and you get those BONUS postal codes for $12 instead of $18.
NOTE: If in that same case one of the postal codes was LOCAL, and the two were BONUS, then we would replace the BONUS who has been with us the shortest time with the new LOCAL. The BONUS postal code removed could then be assigned by that subscriber to another postal code.
VERY IMPORTANT: No one can ever lose a LOCAL postal code listing providing they do not lapse their subscription.
To summarize, three types of postal codes: LOCAL, BONUS and PAID. A BONUS protects a postal code from bumping unless there are no PAID postal codes that can be bumped. A LOCAL is fully protected from bumping.
This may seem complicated, and it is more complicated than it was, but it ADDS to benefits to your subscription you did not have before. And if you need help to figure it out, we are happy to explain it if/when you call to actually request a bump, or when you ask for that new 4th discounted postal code.
NOTE: That is WHY we strongly urge you to use a LOCAL phone number where that particular postal code listing is a local call from you (you can have different phone numbers on each postal code). The consumer will recognize that LOCAL area code and will be much more inclined to call you than calling a toll free number.
TIP: With computer telephone systems (VOIP) it is possible to get phone number with ANY area code you want. If you have questions about that, give Bob Barney a call at (888) 798-3488.
For consumers using the email system, the email generated by our system goes to all 3 agents at the very same time and that is where the competition can become fierce. When you get that email you need to CALL that consumer, if they give you a phone number, or email that consumer as FAST as possible. Some subscribers have taken steps to make their response times VERY FAST and they have done that because it is VERY important.
Calling or emailing a day later is NOT going to work and that is where some of our subscribers, having purchased postal codes and gotten contacts in the past, have run into trouble. Their ability to respond quickly is NOT their strength and so they typically complained that someone else always beat them to the punch. If that has been true for you, then may not be a good investment for you.
There is another reason why we want you to respond FAST. Consumers shopping on the web are rarely visiting ONLY one site. They typically visit multiple sites because, as with most products, they may believe that the price for one company’s term life insurance from one agent may be different that from another agent. You and I both know that is not true, but consumers are usually very ignorant about how life insurance is priced and sold.
My point is you are NOT just competing with the other 2 agents listed, you are also competing with whoever else that consumer has contacted. In that regard, I don’t care who gets the sale, provide it is a Compulife subscriber who gets that sale.
NOTE: We have nothing to do with your sale. The only revenue we generate is from the listing fee. Having said that, the more successful those listings are for you, the more likely you are to keep buying them and the more we can charge for them in the future.
From time to time I may need to check a competing website to term4sale, because someone has told me there is a price difference from or a product we don’t have, and so I will go to the site they saw it, run a quote and see what’s going on. Many sites require a name and phone number and when I put in mine (if I don’t use Elmer Fudd) the response time from when I fill in my information and submit it to get a quote, and the time they contact me by email (usually) or phone (rarely) can be surprisingly long. NOT GOOD. The early bird gets the worm, and providing you can act quickly, I think is a good source for potential sales.
Back to bump week. This is the FIRST year we have 4 postal codes at the discounted price. Previously we had 3. Therefore, even if you currently have 3 discounted postal codes, which used to be called “LOCAL”, then you have 4th postal code which can be LOCAL or BONUS. Not only do you get that postal code at the discounted price, IF you request it, you can use that postal code, if it is within 30 kilometers of where you are actually located, to FORCE your way into a postal code listing that is full (three subscriber in that postal code).
NOTE: 3 is the MAXIMUM number of listing that we sell for ANY postal code, and so if there are already 3 then you cannot get in that postal code if you are not already one of the three.
IMPORTANT: If you have a discounted postal code, and you want to use that for a postal code within 30 kilometers of you, then you can BUMP one of the other listing out of that postal code if they are NOT purchasing that postal code as one of their local postal codes.
There are two PC variations of our software. Both offer the same features, but one is for an individual agent at a price discount (Personal Use Edition) and the other is for an agency (Standard License).
If you are a Personal Use subscriber, then you can may purchase up to 4 LOCAL postal codes for $12 each. Previously you were limited to 3.
If you are a Standard License subscriber, then you can purchase up to 8 LOCAL postal codes for $12 each. Previously you were limited to 6.
KEEP READING: You must act in order to take advantage of this new offer. If you do nothing, then you will have what you had before.
LOCAL postal codes are invoiced with your subscription to Compulife. The LOCAL postal code renews at the same time as your subscription to the software, for as long as you renew the subscription. You are allowed to pay for a LOCAL postal code for multiple years, which allows you take advantage of the 2 and 3 year discounts (currently 10 and 20 percent respectively). This is permitted because you can NEVER lose your right to own a LOCAL postal code providing that it is within 30 kilometers of where you are located (remember that if you move).
IMPORTANT: NO ONE can bump you from a local postal code that you own, which is within 30 kilometers of where you are located.
NOTE: For rural areas we will extend the 30 kilometer radius, but we do so ONLY on careful examination of the area using the:
This represents a 20% increase in price, but given that we have NOT increased our postal code prices for a number of years, we think that increase is reasonable.
The ability to have MORE local postal codes will help offset the cost of this for subscribers that do NOT have large numbers of additional “paid” postal code lists.
Personal Use subscribers are limited to only buying 75 additional postal codes. With the ability to buy 4 local postal codes, this give the personal use subscriber a maximum of 79 postal codes.
Standard License subscribers have the same limit of 75 additional postal codes, but with the ability to buy 8 local postal codes, they have a maximum of 83 postal codes.
The price change will be incorporated into the renewal invoicing in mid-November. As happens each year, you will have until early January to pay those renewals before you lose the postal codes that you do not renew.
As a result of the price increase we fully expect a number of subscribers to reduce the number of paid postal codes that they have and we think that’s a smart move. You should carefully examine which of your postal codes have performed well over the past years, and which have not performed as well, and thin the herd.
We want you to thin the herd because we have a problem. Most of the good postal codes are unavailable to new customers, except for LOCAL postal codes where than can bump out those subscribers listed with “additional postal codes”. As always, once you purchase an additional postal code for the year, that postal code is unavailable to anyone else during that year. New subscribers can bump you from your additional postal code, but they can only do that at the end of the year, for the following year, and they can ONLY do that if they are within 30 kilometers of that postal code.
You especially need to do this BEFORE the November bumping occurs, to provide maximum protection to your most important postal codes.
If you do NOT have your maximum number of LOCAL (or BONUS) postal codes, you change that ASAP.
IMPORTANT: If a postal code has 3 subscribers, and each of those subscribers is listed as “LOCAL” in that postal code, the postal code is permanently locked out unless and until one of those subscribers no longer renews that postal code. It is important to stay vigilant and review your lists from time to time because subscribers do let postal codes go because they die, retire or otherwise stop subscribing.
This year, if you are paying attention, you have access to one or two more additional local (or bonus) postal codes and so EVERYONE should be bumping. We recommend that you mark bump Monday on your calendar – first come first served.
Once again, if you have a postal code in which your are listed as “LOCAL”, and it is within 30 kilometers of your location, then NO ONE can remove you from that postal code. If your LOCAL is outside the 30 kilometer radius, it would be the last to be moved from a postal code that has other PAID (additional) postal code listings.
Over time bumping has become more rare because most subscribers have already maximized the benefit of their current 3 or 6 local postal codes. With the addition of 1 or 2 additional LOCAL postal codes, everyone buying postal codes will be able to do some bumping again this year.
If you have been purchasing PAID (additional) postal codes, then the first thing you need to do is to identify which of your additional postal codes that you want to convert to LOCAL or BONUS.
IMPORTANT: We will NOT convert your PAID (additional) postal code UNLESS you contact us and ask us to do so.
We recommend that you do this immediately. There is no upside to waiting. Send an email to:
Tell us you want your current list of postal codes. That list will identify all your postal codes, and will also identify which of your postal codes are LOCAL. Once you get that list, pick the VERY best PAID (additional) postal code(s) that is LOCAL to you, and tell us to re-list that as LOCAL. That postal code must be 30 kilometers or less from you in order for it to be protected from bumping. If you want to use that postal code outside your local area, we will make it a BONUS postal code.
In addition to the renewal of that postal code dropping in price to $12, we will consider that NEW local postal code as “paid” to the end of your current subscription. If you have pre-paid your subscription for 2 or 3 years, we will consider that new local listing also paid for 2 or 3 years – no additional charge (that’s an additional benefit but you must call and request it)
Second, you need to call us the week of November to make sure that new LOCAL postal code(s) is one of the best postal codes in your local area (30 kilometer radius). Now that you have a 4th (or 7th and 8th) LOCAL postal code, you will want to leverage those into the best postal codes that you can get, that is postal codes that may not be currently available because they are currently full.
If you do NOT achieve your warranty results, you will get a credit for the following year that is in proportion to your results. For example, if you have 30 postal codes, and get only 5 email contacts (we warrant 10) then you can keep all 30 postal codes for the following year, but only pay for 15. Invoice credits are issued at the end of the year, after we do an audit of your results. The audit must be requested by the subscriber.
Note: This warranty has just gotten better because of the new 4 and 8 local postal code change.
Because of the way we round up this warranty calculation, if you ONLY have 3 local postal codes currently, and you do not purchase or have any additional postal codes, then you would be crazy to not add a fourth local postal code. Why? Because we always round the warranty in your favor.
if you increase from 3 to 4 local postal codes (which is one over the three), we will now warrant that you get two email contacts from those 4 (we round 4 up to 6 for the warranty calculation). If you only get 1 email contact, then 3 of your 4 postal codes would be free the following year (you would pay $12 instead of $48 for all 4).
In essence the combination of the new deal and the warranty, for those who ONLY buy local postal codes, just got a whole LOT better.
Of course it doesn’t get a lot better unless you add that 4th (or the 7th and 8th) local postal code(s).
And none of this happens unless you take action.
- Introduction of New PC Version: CQS.EXE
- Overhaul Of Current Product Data Files
- Introduction of Compulife Mobile Plus (with Pick 12)
Anyone with questions about any of these upcoming projects can call Bob Barney to discuss:
(888) 798-3488
Please don’t email me essay questions, just call. If I’m not in, email me your phone number, I’ll call you.
These planned objectives will easily consume our programming time during the balance of this year and throughout 2023. The good news is that once the product data files have been converted, and we have introduced the new CQS.EXE, and upgraded our internet engine to use the new data files, Compulife will be turning it’s full attention to our web based, Compulife Mobile software. The long term goal is to have a web based product that does everything our PC based software does.